Raw Earth Environmental Pty Ltd (Raw Earth) were engaged to conduct a combined Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) and Detailed Site Investigation (DSI) at a car wreckers yard in Londonderry, NSW, 2753 (the site). This investigation included a desktop investigation, a site walkover and an intrusive soil and groundwater investigation, which was required as a due diligence assessment to ensure the property was suitable for handover.
The site covers an approximate area of 15 hectares and is split in to two distinct areas. The car wreckers yard occupies the eastern portion of the site, and bushland the western portion. The site desktop investigation identified that the site had been used as a car wreckers yard since at least 1961, with continued development and expansion into the early 2000’s. Additionally, a potential former service station was identified at the front of the site, with former bowsers and service station infrastructure observed. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) was used in this location to identify the existence of any underground storage tanks.
During the site walkover and desktop investigation, several AECs were identified at the car wreckers yard, including underground and above ground storage tanks, vehicle wash bays, industrial warehouses and chemical spills. Additionally, Raw Earth conducted a thorough investigation in the bushland portion of the site, and AEC’s were also identified within this area of the site including chemical spills, soil stockpiles and waste storage.
Due to several AECs identified at the site, Raw Earth had to implement a comprehensive soil and groundwater sampling plan to target and characterise all the potential sources of contamination. The intrusive investigation identified contaminants across the site within the soil and groundwater at concentrations greater than the applicable guidelines. These contaminants included asbestos, heavy metals and Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons.
Raw Earth was able to provide remediation and clean-up objectives in accordance with all the relevant Australian Guidelines to make the site suitable for the handover of the property. A great result for all parties.
As the depth to groundwater on site was deep, Raw Earth had to subcontract a larger McCulloch drill rig in order to drill past the tough Rickabys Creek Gravel. The smaller Christy’s drill rig used for the soil boreholes did not have the required power to install the monitoring wells at the required depths.
As the site was still operational during the investigation, Raw Earth had to implement pedestrian management barricades to ensure the investigation was undertaken with minimal disruptions to the client and customers.